蔡 徐 坤
Singer | Producer | Performer
From China
Hello, this is an archive of sorts dedicated to KUN, for all IKUNs.
Here you'll find Kun's music and performances, as well as other content featuring him such as variety shows, interviews and endorsements. Subbed links will be provided where available.
Album 迷 - Apr 13
Available on: QQmusicIntro #000FF: Official Video | Documentary迷: MV | Documentary | Performances默片感受她 (Feeling Her): MV | Performances梦 (band ver.) | PerformancesInterlude-怪欲HAHAnobodycares爱与痛 (outro)
标签 (Title) - ?
情人 (Lover) - May 24
Spotify | QQ Music | Performances
Home - Apr 9
Spotify | QQ Music| MV
山河无恙在我胸 (The Mountains and Rivers Are on My Chest) - Mar 24
QQ Music | MV | PerformancesCollab with Tong Liya
重生 (Rebirth) - Nov 15
Spotify | QQ Music | Concept Film | PerformancesCollab with KSHMR
梦 (Mannequin) - Sept 26
QQ Music | PerformanceIncluded in NINEPERCENT album 'More Than Forever'
EP YOUNG - Jul 26
YOUNG: Spotify | QQ Music | MV | Performances蒙着眼 (Blindfolded): Spotify | QQ Music | Performances(Kun if you see this please put 蒙着眼 on spotify)
Hard to Get - Apr 19
Spotify | QQ Music | MV | Performances
Bigger - Mar 15
Spotify | QQ Music | Lyric Video | Performances
没有意外 (No Exceptions) - Feb 18
Spotify | QQ Music | MV | PerformancesCollab with Yoga Lin
那年春天 (That Spring) - Feb 5
Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala exclusive: Performance
一起笑出来 (The Lunar Song) - Jan 16
Spotify | QQ Music | MVCollab with Jackie ChanOfficial theme song for movie: "The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang"
Wait Wait Wait - Aug 23
Spotify | QQ Music | MV | Performances
EP 1 - Aug 2
Pull Up: Spotify | QQ Music | MV | PerformancesIt's You: Spotify | QQ Music | PerformancesYou Can Be My Girlfriend: Spotify | QQ Music | Performances
I Wanna Get Love - Dec 15
QQ Music | Performances
Note: To play on QQ Music, you will need an account and VPN. Some songs are not free to play.
1. 2021 迷 Concert Tour (Beijing): links
2. 超级818狂欢夜: YT
1. 2021 迷 Concert Tour (Beijing): links
2. 2022 Beijing TV New Year Gala: YT
爱与痛 Love&Pain
1. 想把我唱给你听ZJTV 2022 New Year Gala: YT
1. 2021 迷 Concert Tour (Beijing): links
2. 超级818狂欢夜: YT
3. TMEA 2021: YT
1. Ninepercent Graduation Concert
2. 2021 迷 Concert Tour (Beijing): links
3. TMEA 2021: YT
1. 美好有你2021跨年晚会 ZJTV New Year Eve Concert: YT | WB
2. 2021爱奇艺为爱尖叫晚会 IQIYI Scream For Love Concert: YT1 | YT2 | IQIYI
3. 2021 TMEA音乐盛典: YT | WB
4. 2021 迷 Concert Tour (Beijing): links
1. Youth With You 2 Collab Stage: YT
2. Keep Running 奔跑吧: YT
3. 第27届东方风云榜: YT
3. 2020青春芒果夜: WB
4. 乘风破浪的姐姐 EP13: YT
5. 抖音美好奇妙夜: YT
6. Migu Awards 2020: YT | WB
7. 美好有你2021跨年晚会 ZJTV New Year Eve Concert: YT | WB
8. 2021 TMEA音乐盛典: WB | YT
9. 2021湖南卫视春晚 Hunan TV Spring Gala: YT | WB
10. 2021 迷 Concert Tour (Beijing): links
11. 想把我唱给你听ZJTV 2022 New Year Gala: YT
1. 2020北京国际电影节: YT
2. 2020天下有情人此夕最相思: YT
3. 2020江山如画国庆音乐会: YT (With Tong Liya)
4. CCTV心连心慰问演出: YT
5. 2021央视网络春晚 CCTV Online Spring Gala: YT | WB
6. 京东双11沸腾之夜 Jingdong 11.11 Night: YT (+ Intimate Lover cover)
1. 2020微博之夜 Weibo Night: YT | WB
1. Band practice: YT
2. Fresh Asia Music Awards 2019: YT
3. IQIYI尖叫之夜
4. 13th Migu Music Awards 2019: YT
5. 2019 Esquire MAHB Awards: YT
6. Tencent Video Starlight Awards: YT
7. 2020江苏卫视跨年: YT
8. 微博之夜
9. 湖南卫视春节联欢晚会
10. 9.19百度好奇夜: YT
11. 2020京东超级夜: YT
1. Dance practice: YT
2. 青春芒果节2019: YT
3. 智族GQ十年: YT
4. 2020江苏卫视跨年: YT
1. Dance practice: YT
2. 青春芒果夜
3. 汽车之夜2019: YT
4. 华歌榜2019澳门盛典: YT | WB
5. Happy Camp 2019: YT (With Du Haitao)
6. 限定的记忆告别演唱会: WB
7. 13th Migu Music Awards 2019: YT
8. 2020江苏卫视跨年: YT
9. Youth With You 2 Mentor Stage: YT
10. 2020青春芒果夜
11. 2020京东超级夜: YT
1. <ONE> Tour in San Francisco
2. <ONE> Tour in Los Angeles
3. <ONE> Tour in New York
4. <ONE> Tour in London
5. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
6. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
7. 巅峰之夜 World's Got Talent 2019
8. 14th Migu Music Awards 2020: YT
9. 美好有你2021跨年晚会 ZJTV New Year Eve Concert: YT | WB
1. <ONE> Tour in San Francisco
2. <ONE> Tour in Los Angeles
3. <ONE> Tour in New York
4. <ONE> Tour in London
5. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
6. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
1. Happy Camp: YT
1. Idol Hits 中国音乐公告牌 YT
2. GQ 2018 Men of the year: YT
3. 咪咕音乐分享会 (上海)
4. 浙江卫视抖音美好奇妙夜: YT | WB
5. 时尚COSMO美丽盛典
6. 网络视听年度盛典
7. Migu Music Awards 2018: YT
8. 2018 嘉人marie claire中国风盛典: YT | WB
9. 浙江卫视领跑2019演唱会: YT | WB
10. 湖南卫视全球华侨华人春晚: WB
11. 东方风云榜: WB
12. <ONE> Tour in San Francisco
13. <ONE> Tour in Los Angeles
14. <ONE> Tour in New York
15. <ONE> Tour in London
16. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
17. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
18. 华歌榜2019澳门盛典: YT | WB
1. K全球发布会
2. 芭莎慈善夜2018: YT
3. 咪咕音乐分享会 (成都)
4. DWP China 音乐盛典
5. MAHB年度先生盛典
6. 搜狗IN盛典
7. 今日头条年度盛典
8. 浙江卫视领跑2019演唱会: YT | WB
9. 2019东方跨年盛典: YT
10. <ONE> Tour in San Francisco
11. <ONE> Tour in Los Angeles
12. <ONE> Tour in New York
13. <ONE> Tour in London
14. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
15. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
16. 汽车之夜2019: YT
17. 13th Migu Music Awards 2019: YT
1. 2019东方跨年盛典: YT
2. <ONE> Tour in San Francisco
3. <ONE> Tour in Los Angeles
4. <ONE> Tour in New York
5. <ONE> Tour in London
6. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
7. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
8. 巅峰之夜 World's Got Talent 2019: YT
9. 青春芒果节2019: YT
10. 13th Migu Music Awards 2019: YT
11. 2020江苏卫视跨年: YT
1. Happy Camp: YT
2. <ONE> Tour in San Francisco
3. <ONE> Tour in Los Angeles
4. <ONE> Tour in New York
5. <ONE> Tour in London
6. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
7. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
8. 20190325 东方风云榜: WB
9. ELLEMEN 年度电影英雄盛典: YT
1. Idol Producer: YT
2. Happy Camp: YT
3. <ONE> Tour in Vancouver
4. <ONE> Tour in Toronto
5. Migu Awards 2020: YT (close focus) | wb (stage focus)
BEIJING - 7.17.2021
Full fancams:
KUNLION: WBMiraitowa 蔡徐坤资源博: WB三郎0802: WB (Split into 7 parts)甜奶味简心: WB4ever Kun: WBCXKMMT: WBAugust Allure (2nd half): WB泡菜蛋炒饭·蔡徐坤: WBho飯抢到坤个巡所有场次门票: WBAugust Babygirl: WB
1. Phenomenon
Sniper August: YT | WBChannel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBMetroline1: WB
Channel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBGW: YTDearosiness: WBFantasia: WB
4ever Kun: WBSniper August: WBKunsland: WBOkkrau: WB蔡徐坤奶奶站Granny: WB蔡学长一起看雪阿: WB
4. 修行
蛋糕奶茶2021: WB4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WB偏遇日记: WBGW: YTSniper August: YT
5. Haha
4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBMetroline1: WBDearosiness: WBCXKMMT: WB洛诗: WBAugust Babygirl: WB
6. 怪
4ever Kun: WBMetroline1: WB洛诗_: WBAugust Babygirl: WB鱼崽贴标签KUN: WBKunsland: WB
7. Blindfolded
4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBEnamoured: WBKunsland: YT
8. Lover
4ever Kun: WB洛诗: WB菜的粥: WBOkkrau: WB蛋糕奶茶2021: WB蔡学长一起看雪阿: WB蔡徐坤反黑净化站: WBKunsland: YT
9. Hard To Get
4ever Kun: WBFantasia: WB北纬82: WB菜的粥: WBKunsland: YT
10. It's You
4ever Kun: WBOkkrau: WB蔡学长一起看雪阿: WBKunsland: WB | YT
11. Feeling Her
Channel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBSniper August: YT
12. 梦
Channel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WBFantasia802: WBGW: YTDearosiness: WBKunsland: YT
13. 默片
Channel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WBDearosiness: WBEngagement: WB高定龙鳞斗篷: WB茉莉莉0802: WB
14. 迷
4ever Kun: WB邺火吾茔: WBEngagement: WBOkkrau: WB流光梦野: WB
15. No Exceptions
4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBEnamoured: WBDevoted: WBSniper August: WB
16. Pull Up
4ever Kun: WBNeko不想睡: WB洛诗: WB你晕菜了没: WB邺火吾茔: WBKunsland: YT
17. Wait Wait Wait
4ever Kun: WB偏遇日记: WB蔡学长一起看雪阿: WB洛诗: WBKunsland: YT
18. I Wanna Get Love
Channel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WB偏遇日记: WBGW: YTSniper August: YTDearosiness: WBKunsland: YT
19. Bigger
4ever Kun: WBEnamoured: WBKunsland: YT
20. Rebirth
Channel Kun: WB4ever Kun: WB偏遇日记: WBKunsland: YT
21. You Can Be My Girlfriend
Sniper August: YTChannel KUN: WB4ever Kun: WB北纬82: WBKunsland: YTGW: YT
22. Home
4ever Kun: WBMetroline1: WBKunsland: YT
Hi! I'm Kai, an international IKUN. I made this site so that it's just a little easier to find information and past content about KUN, especially for those who are new or don't understand Chinese. I hope this will be helpful to fellow IKUNs in the littlest of ways!
If there is anything missing or if there are any mistakes, feel free to holler at me on twitter or curiouscat!
Huge shoutout to all the fanclubs, fansites, subbing, translation and update teams! You guys are really the backbone of our fandom (: